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Has Deep Learning Made Traditional Machine Learning Irrelevant?
Summary: The data science press is so dominated by articles on AI and Deep Learning that it has led some folks to wonder whether Deep...
Can computers think? An epistemology for Artificial Intelligence
As AI enters our homes through smart home devices or tries to conquer our streets through self-driving cars, one need not be a Luddite to...
4 Ways to Leverage Artificial Intelligence in Your Small Business Today
If you haven’t started using artificial intelligence in your business, you’re falling behind on the curve. Many business owners today are...
Twelve types of Artificial Intelligence (AI) problems
In this article, I cover the 12 types of AI problems i.e. I address the question : in which scenarios should you use Artificial...
Difference Between Data Scientists, Data Engineers, and Software Engineers - According To LinkedIn
The differences between Data Scientists, Data Engineers, and Software engineers can get a little confusing at times. Thus, here is a...
Artificial General Intelligence – The Holy Grail of AI
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the long sought after ‘brain’ that brings together all the branches of AI into a general purpose...
Deep Learning: Comparison with Machine Learning
Deep learning is sometimes referred to as the intersection between machine learning and artificial intelligence. It is about designing...
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