Are we comparing the countries correctly?
The Theory of Theory
Big Data Isn’t a Thing; Big Data is a State of Mind
What Exactly is Artificial Intelligence and Why is it Driving me Crazy
Innovación y tecnología, las claves para la educación del futuro
Podcast: Evolution of Analytics in the Market (Tom Dougherty)
Análisis: La ‘secesión’ de pueblos mexicanos ante la desconfianza en el Estado
Extreme Event Forecasting at Uber - with Recurrent Neural Networks
The “Big Think” on Statistical Inference
Deep Learning: AlphaGo Zero Explained In One Picture
Predictive Analytics Path to Mainstream Adoption
Is data science an academic discipline?
Is your New Year’s Resolution to Improve your CRM Data?
The CFO’s New Year’s Resolution
Podcast: Pyramid Analytics Platform (Diwakar Rajagopal)
(Mild Humor) Notes by an OCD Data Scientist about Christmas
Data or Algorithms – Which is More Important?
Sample Job Titles and Salaries for Recently filled Data Science Positions in US
Passive vs. active data scientists
Anatomy of Chatbots