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¿Por qué necesitamos ciudades inteligentes?
La población mundial está creciendo continuamente, y se espera que la urbanización agregue otros 2.5 mil millones de personas a las...

El nuevo aeropuerto de Beijing se encamina hacia un espacio inteligente
T-Systems se encarga de proveer la parte de TI de la instalación, para el que ha adaptado su software Smart Airport. La integración de...

Faster Innovation and Development with a Full-Stack AI Strategy
The future is here and companies that have incorporated the latest innovations led by AI in their business processes are reaping the...

Digital Transformation: Preparing your Organization for a World of Constant Change
“It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks. They’ve only been in business for 155 years.” – Anonymous The Pullman Co (1867), Allied...

Life after artificial intelligence
AI stands to be the most radically transformative technology ever developed by humankind. What hypothetical situations are looming right...

Top 6 Data Science Use Cases in Design
Nowadays, industries are privileged by the opportunity to apply data science to reach new heights in their efficiency, productiveness,...

La vida después de la inteligencia artificial
¿Qué situaciones hipotéticas se avecinan a la vuelta de la esquina a medida que aumenta la tecnología de IA? ¿Qué vamos a inventar...

Artificial Neural Networks in a Nutshell
According to Wikipedia, an ANN is based on a collection of connected units or nodes called artificial neurons, which loosely model the...

Airbus y Capgemini: RPA como base de la transformación digital
Las firmas mantienen tres proyectos piloto en automatización inteligente de procesos desde hace año y medio, además de ser parte del...

Significance Level vs Confidence level vs Confidence Interval
You may have figured out already that statistics isn't exactly a science. Lots of terms are open to interpretation, and sometimes there...

Microsoft se alía con Disney para acelerar la innovación
Las compañías han firmado una asociación por una duración inicial de cinco años, que se orquestará a través del centro StudioLAB de The...

Is There a Difference Between Open Data and Public Data?
Yep. And it’s a big one. There is a general consensus that when we talk about open data we are referring to any piece of data or content...

What are the Typical Data Scientist Profiles on LinkedIn? Survey Results
The charts below represents the main findings of some recent analysis of 1,000 data scientist LinkedIn profiles, using a web scraper. It...

Five Ways Your Business Is At Risk Of Data Loss
Data loss comes in all shapes and sizes, from an accidentally deleted document to a catastrophic server failure that wipes out a critical...

'Big data' para apoyar la industria del vino
Las universidades de Zaragoza y Castilla-La Mancha participan en una iniciativa para desarrollar herramientas digitales con las que...

La analítica de datos, aliada contra los desastres naturales
La firma Indra mantiene distintas iniciativas basadas en esta herramienta para ayudar a prevenir y controlar los efectos de este tipo de...

The Power of Machine Learning Models
Properly implemented Machine Learning (ML) models can have a positive effect on organizational efficiency. It is first necessary to...

Acronyms of Big Data Analytics from A to Z !
AQL - Annotation Query Language AOSD - Aspect-Oriented Software Development ACID - Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability BDA -...

Big data en el futuro de la innovación educativa
Big Data o macrodatos es un término que ha tomado mucho auge durante la última época. Ha estado en el centro de escándalos sobre la...

The AI Revolution
Some opinions expressed in this article may be those of a guest author and not necessarily Analytikus. #Machinelearning #data #bigdata...
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