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Podcast: Microsoft Data Platform
Frederico will share his vision and that of Microsoft about the current transformation of the data world, now known as the 4th industrial...
Webinar: Predict the students most likely to leave your school (en Español)
In this webinar we will tell you how to predict the students most likely to leave your institution. Through the use of different machine...
How Big Data is Changing the World of Soccer
Did you know that athletes are not only monitored by cameras on stadiums, but also by many quirky devices such as accelerometers, heart...
Digital Tools Evolving to Track Students' Emotions, Mindsets
The race is on to provide students with personalized learning experiences based on their individual emotions, cognitive processes,...
The Future of Big Data and Analytics in K-12 Education
Are schools ready for the power and problems of big data? Imagine classrooms outfitted with cameras that run constantly, capturing each...
People Matter to the Data Strategy Process
Data Strategy in the education sector needs to take into consideration one big question: Why? Why should education professionals care...
How to Avoid Messing Up Big Data Analytics
“Big Data” is still in the news these days, but the story has evolved from describing what it is to how an organization can actually use...
Podcast: Analytics in Higher Education
Juan Ortiz, Director of Analytics at Laureate Education, talks about the transformation of the sector, the impact of Data Science, the...
The Road to Prediction: Using Unstructured Data
Prediction is tough and rarely a guarantee. If we were able to predict the future, there would be no Vegas, or at minimum a much poorer...
Top Resources if you want to work as a Data Scientist for the CIA
Ever wanted to work in security intelligence area & use your data science chops? Here are top resources to help get started working for...
What is Predictive Analytics?
Predictive analytics aren’t always correct—they’re simply a best guess based on previously established patterns—but they are often...
New Meaning in Big Data
The evolution of data analytics is approaching an inflection point. Early on, discussions of big data served largely to create awareness...
How One University Used Big Data To Boost Graduation Rates
Whenever you surf the Web, sophisticated algorithms are tracking where you go, comparing you with millions of other people. They're...
Beyond Moneyball: How Big Data Is Changing Baseball
With quite a few months to go before Spring Training starts up, teams are already gearing up for the challenges they’ll be facing next...
The art and (data) science of leveraging economic bubbles
I have played with a few bubbles - stock market, real estate - and it seems that they are relatively predictable, with their growth being...
16 analytic disciplines compared to data science
What are the differences between data science, data mining, machine learning, statistics, operations research, and so on? Here I compare...
The What and Where of Big Data: A Data Definition Framework
I recently read a good article on the difference between structured and unstructured data. The author defines structured data as data...
How Big Data is Changing The Way You Fly
As airlines and frequent flyer programs gather more intelligence on your day to day lifestyle, flying and financial position - they begin
Brands must close the loop on audience segmentation
Contributor Matt Nitzberg believes marketers need to move away from common, ingrained measurement practices and instead take an...
Podcast: Intro into Data Science and Big Data
For our first Simplifying Analytics podcast, Miguel Molina-Cosculluela, founder of Analytikus, interviewed Armando Alvarez, Chief Data...
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