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AI: Robots Helping Each Other (Nice Video)
Interesting video by Boston Dynamics about robots helping each other to open a door. Maybe next time it will be about robots fighting...
The one critical skill many data scientists are missing
When I started to learn about data science and consider it as a career choice, there was a diagram that I came across regularly and still...
Most Data Science Job Ads are Targeted to Young People - Why?
If you are on Facebook, you've probably seen their ads to attract candidates to data science positions. You've probably seen ads...
Big Data Isn’t a Thing; Big Data is a State of Mind
“Big Data is dead.” “Big Data is passé.”“We no longer need Big Data; we need Machine Learning now.”As we end 2017 and look forward to big...
Lessons in Becoming an Effective Data Scientist
I was recently a guest lecturer at the University of California Berkeley Extension in San Francisco. On a lovely Saturday afternoon, the...
What Happens when our Computers get Smarter than we are?
Artificial intelligence is getting smarter by leaps and bounds -- within this century, research suggests, a computer AI could be as...
Machine Learning Poised to Impact Business Analytics
We may be years away from the “AI-enabled Coworker,” but the first implementations of machine-learning capabilities are finding their way...
7 Visualizations You Should Learn in R
With ever increasing volume of data, it is impossible to tell stories without visualizations. Data visualization is an art of how to turn...
Simple questions to measure the ability of a data scientist
Sometimes a recruiter will find difficult to know the skills of a data science before hiring. Here are some simple questions to measure...
Even a Poor Model Can Have a Lot of Value
This is a lesson in how it may be possible to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. 1.) A good ROC score does not necessarily mean a...
Are we comparing the countries correctly?
How many times you have compared your homeland to another country when you have watched a foreign language movie/show or when you have...
The Theory of Theory
Since I am sometimes asked to explain phenomena in the absence of data, it becomes necessary to determine what data is required to...
Big Data Isn’t a Thing; Big Data is a State of Mind
“Big Data is dead.” “Big Data is passé.” “We no longer need Big Data; we need Machine Learning now.” As we end 2017 and look forward to...
What Exactly is Artificial Intelligence and Why is it Driving me Crazy
Advanced analytic platform developers, cloud providers, and the popular press are promoting the idea that everything we do in data...
Innovación y tecnología, las claves para la educación del futuro
El Dr. José Escamilla, director de TecLabs, compartió con los medios la necesidad de aprovechar la tecnología en la educación. Tec de...
Análisis: La ‘secesión’ de pueblos mexicanos ante la desconfianza en el Estado
José Santos en un punto de revisión a la entrada de Tancítaro, Michoacán, donde los ciudadanos asumieron el control ante el fastidio...
Extreme Event Forecasting at Uber - with Recurrent Neural Networks
At Uber, event forecasting enables us to future-proof our services based on anticipated user demand. The goal is to accurately predict...
The “Big Think” on Statistical Inference
Remember the ASA statement on p-values from last year? The profession is getting together today and tomorrow (Oct. 11/12, 2017) for a...
Deep Learning: AlphaGo Zero Explained In One Picture
Recently Google DeepMind announced AlphaGo Zero — an extraordinary achievement that has shown how it is possible to train an agent to a...
Predictive Analytics Path to Mainstream Adoption
Hold on to your hats data scientists, you're in for another wild ride. A few months ago, our beloved field of predictive analytics was...
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