Build your First Image Classification Model in just 10 Minutes!
It’s a Record-Breaking Crowd! A Must-Read Tutorial to Build your First Crowd Counting Model using DL
Mathematics behind Machine Learning – The Core Concepts you Need to Know
Different Ways to Incorporate Data in Business Strategy for Security
Visually Explained: How Can Executives Make Sense of Machine Learning & Deep Learning?
¿A dónde vamos con el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural?
¿Como ha evolucionado la analítica? Adi Asavaid (USA & India)
¿Cual es la relación entre los sistemas y las matemáticas? - (Alexandro Campos)
¿Que retos enfrentas al ser Científico de Datos? - Chris Scandlen
Colombia: Cómo apuntalar la experiencia educativa - (Cinthya Sánchez)
What is intelligence?
Three AI And Machine Learning Predictions For 2019
Unlocking the Value in Data to Help Serve Customers
The Changing Landscape: Data Science Trends
Leveraging Data Science to tame the Maintenance Monster in the Digital age
Use cases of Machine Learning for E-commerce enterprises
Is it still possible today to become a self-taught data scientist?
Africa's inspiring innovators show what the future could hold
Commerce is on the cusp of radical change. Is your organization ready?
India is a latecomer to AI. Here's how it plans to catch up